Amcalon Corporation - Research and Development

In regards to biologic drugs, by far the biggest group is antibodies. This covers monoclonal antibodies (MAb), mini-antibodies and antibody-drug conjugates.

At the head of the disease control research is Necro-Mortosis. This year the number of drugs that could potentially tackle mortosis was double that of any other therapeutic category. Some drugs could also potentially work across multiple indications and eradications. However, only XL-6 has reached phase two research at this time.


The $787 billion economic stimulus package will provide $300M in research grants to Amcalon Corporation. This is part of a broader plan by The National Institutes of Health (NIH) to bolster biomedical research into mortosis, cancer, heart diseases, and autism among others.

Equity Partners International (OPI), the private equity arm of JTMonoghan , is in the process of purchasing stock in Amcalon as a minor research partner for a  sum of over $3bn. Global private research firm Hars Capital will come on board as a new major investor, with UK private equity firm 3G Group also becoming a significant investor and existing investor TPP Capital is contributing additional equity to Amcalon.

This activity closed in April 2008. It will ensure adequate funding for all future stem cell research.



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